Corrido de Victoriano Ramirez, "El Catorce"
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Corrido de Victoriano Ramirez, "El Catorce"
tells of a hero of the Cristeros who was imprisoned, escaped and was pursued into the mountains by a posse of fourteen men. Victoriano was able to kill them all, took their arms which he sent back to the town where he had been imprisoned with a note recommending that they avoid going after him with so few men. Hence his nickname "El Catorce" or "The Fourteen." He was a notable lothario and was castigated by a priest attending the Cristero army to which he was attached for these many immoral liasions; he brushed this off with a rhetorical flourish stating that he only had natural and normal relations with the local women and it had nothing to do with his piety - an interesting insight into the conflicted nature of Church doctrine and the macho culture of the Mexican hinterland. Evident in this corrido are the heroic formulas of direct address, "Victoriano les decía," and "El Padre Vega decía," as well as a recurring verse dyad, "Válgame Santo Niñito/ y también el Padre Eterno."
José Pedroza Martínez, voice and guitar, San Miguel El Alto, Jalisco. Instituto de los corridos de Zacatecas y Altos de Jalisco, Corridos de la Rebellion Cristera, Irene Vásquez Valle y José de Santiago Silva. México, 1986.
El Victoriano "El Catorce"
Del pueblo de San Miguel,
Le dio combate al gobierno
Pa' que se acordaran de él.
Válgame Santo Niñito
Y también el Padre Eterno,
Válgame Dios, Victoriano,
Te anda buscando el gobierno.
Una mujer lo encontró,
Lo encontró llegando al puente;
Por ahí Victoriano iba
Junto con el asistente.
El Padre Vega decía:
-Yo voy con el general,
Al cabo no es el primero
Que vamos a fusilar.
Victoriano les decía:
-Compañeros tan ingratos,
Mientras anduvimos juntos
No le cejé a los balazos.
Victoriano les decía:
-Esa no la paso a creer,
Que siendo mis compañeros
Me anden queriendo aprehender.
Válgame Dios, Victoriano
Y a la gente que él traía,
Por más dichos que le echaban,
Él siempre se les salía.
Señores, de que me acuerdo,
Ganas de llorar me dan;
Que a Victoriano "El Catorce"
Ya lo van a fusilar.
Válgame Santo Niñito
Y también el Padre Eterno,
Mataron a Victoriano
Por darle gusto al Gobierno.
Señores, de que me acuerdo,
Ganas de llorar me dan;
Mataron a Victoriano
En ese Tepatitlán.
Victoriano "El Catorce"
From the town of San Miguel,
Fought against the government
So that they'd remember him well.
May the Baby Jesus help us,
And the heavenly Father, too.
Oh my God, Victoriano,
The government is looking for you.
A woman had seen him,
As he was arriving at the bridge;
She saw Victoriano go by
Along with his aide-de-camp.
Father Vega then said:
-I will go with the general,
After all, he's not the first one
That we are going to execute.
Then said Victoriano:
-What ungrateful companions.
While we have fought together,
I have never feared the gunfire.
Then said Victoriano:
-This is so hard to believe,
That you, who are my companions
Have come to aprehend me.
Oh my God, the people,
That Victoriano brought with him,
Though they tried to give him up,
He always got away from them.
Gentlemen, as I remember this,
It makes me want to cry,
That Victoriano El Catorce,
Will be executed now.
May the Baby Jesus help us,
And the heavenly Father, as well.
They have killed Victoriano
In order to please the Governor.
Gentlemen, as I remember this
It makes me want to cry.
They have killed Victoriano
In the town of Tepatitlan.
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José Pedroza Martínez, voice and guitar, San Miguel El Alto, Jalisco. Instituto de los corridos de Zacatecas y Altos de Jalisco, Corridos de la Rebellion Cristera, Irene Vásquez Valle y José de Santiago Silva. México, 1986.
El Victoriano "El Catorce"
Del pueblo de San Miguel,
Le dio combate al gobierno
Pa' que se acordaran de él.
Válgame Santo Niñito
Y también el Padre Eterno,
Válgame Dios, Victoriano,
Te anda buscando el gobierno.
Una mujer lo encontró,
Lo encontró llegando al puente;
Por ahí Victoriano iba
Junto con el asistente.
El Padre Vega decía:
-Yo voy con el general,
Al cabo no es el primero
Que vamos a fusilar.
Victoriano les decía:
-Compañeros tan ingratos,
Mientras anduvimos juntos
No le cejé a los balazos.
Victoriano les decía:
-Esa no la paso a creer,
Que siendo mis compañeros
Me anden queriendo aprehender.
Válgame Dios, Victoriano
Y a la gente que él traía,
Por más dichos que le echaban,
Él siempre se les salía.
Señores, de que me acuerdo,
Ganas de llorar me dan;
Que a Victoriano "El Catorce"
Ya lo van a fusilar.
Válgame Santo Niñito
Y también el Padre Eterno,
Mataron a Victoriano
Por darle gusto al Gobierno.
Señores, de que me acuerdo,
Ganas de llorar me dan;
Mataron a Victoriano
En ese Tepatitlán.
Victoriano "El Catorce"
From the town of San Miguel,
Fought against the government
So that they'd remember him well.
May the Baby Jesus help us,
And the heavenly Father, too.
Oh my God, Victoriano,
The government is looking for you.
A woman had seen him,
As he was arriving at the bridge;
She saw Victoriano go by
Along with his aide-de-camp.
Father Vega then said:
-I will go with the general,
After all, he's not the first one
That we are going to execute.
Then said Victoriano:
-What ungrateful companions.
While we have fought together,
I have never feared the gunfire.
Then said Victoriano:
-This is so hard to believe,
That you, who are my companions
Have come to aprehend me.
Oh my God, the people,
That Victoriano brought with him,
Though they tried to give him up,
He always got away from them.
Gentlemen, as I remember this,
It makes me want to cry,
That Victoriano El Catorce,
Will be executed now.
May the Baby Jesus help us,
And the heavenly Father, as well.
They have killed Victoriano
In order to please the Governor.
Gentlemen, as I remember this
It makes me want to cry.
They have killed Victoriano
In the town of Tepatitlan.
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Invitado- Invitado
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