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There are groups more depraved than ISIL 2vwzcep

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There are groups more depraved than ISIL 2vwzcep
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There are groups more depraved than ISIL

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There are groups more depraved than ISIL Empty There are groups more depraved than ISIL

Mensaje por belze Noviembre 26th 2014, 20:23

There are groups more depraved than ISIL

Does the West care about ISIL's specific crimes or is it mostly outraged that Muslims are committing them?

Last updated: 25 Oct 2014 07:57

There are groups more depraved than ISIL 20141023111432145734_20
Drug cartels murdered more than 16,000 people in Mexico during 2013 alone, writes al-Gharbi [Reuters]

The horrific rampage of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has captured the world's attention. Many Western commentators claim that ISIL's crimes are unique, no longer practiced anywhere else in the civilized world. They argue that the group's barbarism is intrinsically Islamic, a product of the aggressive and archaic worldview which dominates the Muslim world. The ignorance of these claims is stunning.

Not only are there other organised groups whose depravity and threat to the United States far surpasses that of ISIL, they fail to engender the same kind of collective indignation and hysteria. This raises the question: Are Americans primarily concerned with ISIL's specific atrocities or with the fact that it is Muslims who are committing these crimes?

For example, even as US media establishments and policymakers radically inflate the threat posed by ISIL to the Middle East and United States, most Americans appear to be unaware of the institutional magnitude of Mexican drug cartels, let alone the scale of their atrocities or the threat they pose to the US.

Cartels versus ISIL

A recent United Nations report estimated nearly 9,000 civilians have been killed and 17,386 wounded in Iraq in 2014, more than half since ISIL fighters seized large parts of northern Iraq in June. It is likely that the group is responsible for another several thousand deaths in Syria. To be sure, these numbers are staggering. But drug cartels murdered more than 16,000 people in Mexico during 2013 alone, and another 60,000 from 2006 to 2012 - a rate of more than one killing every half hour for the last seven years. Even worse, these casualty estimates are from the Mexican government, which is known to deflate the actual death toll by around 50 percent.

But the casualties alone do not convey the depravity of the narcos: They carry out hundreds of beheadings every year. Beyond decapitation, they are known to dismember and otherwise mutilate the corpses of their victims - displaying piles of bodies prominently in towns to terrorise the public into compliance.

The cartels routinely target women and children to further intimidate the communities they occupy. And much like ISIL, the cartels use social media to post pornographic images of their crimes.

Like ISIL, narcos recruit child soldiers, molding boys as young as 11 into assassins or sending them on suicide missions during armed confrontations with Mexico's army. They also kidnap tens of thousands of children every year to use as drug mules or prostitutes, or to simply kill and harvest their organs for sale on the black market.

Those who dare to call for reforms often end up dead. In September, with the apparent assistance of local police, cartels kidnapped and massacred 43 students at a teaching college near the Mexican town of Iguala in response to student protests. A search in the area for the students has uncovered a number of mass graves containing dozens of mutilated bodies burned almost beyond recognition, but none of the remains have been confirmed to be of the students.

While the Islamic militants have killed a handful of journalists, the cartels murdered as many as 57 since 2006 for reporting on cartel crimes; much of Mexico's media has been effectively silenced by intimidation or bribes. These censorship activities extend beyond professional media, with narcos tracking down and murdering ordinary citizens who criticise them on the Internet, leaving their naked and disemboweled corpses hanging in public venues. Yet intellectuals such as Sam Harris appear to be more outraged when Muslims protest or issue threats in response to blasphemous or anti-Muslim hate speech than when cartels murder dozens of journalists and systematically co-opt the media of an entire country.

Similarly, Westerners across various political spectrums were outraged when ISIL seized 1,500 Yezidi women, committing sexual violence against the captives and using them as slaves. Here again, the cartels’ capture and trafficking of women dwarfs that of ISIL. Additionally, narcos systematically use rape as a weapon of war and hold tens of thousands of Mexican citizens as slaves for their various enterprises.

Threat to homeland security

ISIL beheaded two Americans this summer and has warned about executing a third; additionally, one US soldier has died in efforts to combat the militant group. By contrast, from 2007 to 2010 the cartels have killed 293 Americans in Mexico and have repeatedly attacked US consulates in Mexico. While ISIL's beheadings are no doubt outrageous, the cartels actually tortured, dismembered and then cooked one of the Americans they captured - possibly eating him or feeding him to dogs.

And the death is not restricted to the Mexican side of the border: from 2006 to 2010 as many as 5,700 Americans were killed in the US by cartel-fueled drug violence. By contrast, 2,937 people were killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks. Over the last decade, some 2,349 Americans were killed in Afghanistan while 4,487 Americansdied during the Iraq war. In four years the cartels have managed to cause the deaths of more Americans than 9/11 or the entire US campaigns in Afghanistan or Iraq.

The Obama Administration claims ISIL poses a severe threat to US interests and national security. However, the militants were primarily concerned with seizing and holding territory in Iraq and Syria until the US began targeting them. Even now, while they have called for "lone wolves" to carry out attacks on US targets, so far those arrested in connection to ISIL have been trying to go and fight abroad rather than plotting domestic actions. US intelligence officials have asserted that ISIL poses no credible threat to the United States homeland; the same cannot be said of the cartels.

Narcos have infiltrated at least 3,000 US cities and are recruiting many Americans. Their infrastructure in the US is increasingly sophisticated and robust, with Mexican cartels now controlling more than 80 percent of the total illicit drug trade in the United States, and their top agents deployed to virtually every major metropolitan area. There are no realistic assessments indicating that ISIL could achieve a similar level of penetration within the US.

Explaining the dissonance

It is clear that the campaign against ISIL is not driven by the group's relative threat to the US or the scale or inhumane nature of their atrocities. If these were the primary considerations, the public would be far more terrified of, and outraged by, the narcos. Perhaps the US would be mobilising 50 nations to purge the Sinaloa cartel rather than shielding them from prosecution, helping them polish off their rivals, or even move drugs into the United States - all the while resisting commonsense drug policy reforms that could dramatically undermine the groups.

Some may attempt to argue that despite the asymmetries, the cartels are less of a threat because ISIL is unified around an ideology which is antithetical to the prevailing international order, while the cartels are concerned primarily with money. This is also false:

A good deal of the cartel violence is perpetrated ritualistically as part of their religion which is centered, quite literally, on the worship of death. The narcos build and support churches all across Mexico to perpetuate their eschatology. One of the cartels, the Knights Templar (whose name obviously evokes religious warfare), even boasts about its leader' death and resurrection.

When cartel members are killed, they are buried in lavish mausoleums, regarded as "martyrs", and commemorated in popular songs glorifying their exploits in all their brutality. They are viewed by many as heroes resisting an international order which exploits Latin America, as well as the feckless governments which enable it. Their gospel, derived from Catholicism, is making fast inroads into the United States and Central America. In short, the cartels have ideological and geopolitical motivations and ambitions whose challenge is no less pronounced than that of ISIL; it may even be worse.

But unfortunately, the US cannot formulate an effective response to these much more severe threats because the US public is far too busy disparaging Islam, while its military kills Arabs and Muslims abroad. What is fueling the disproportionate reaction to ISIL is Islamophobia, not any empirical realities.

Musa al-Gharbi is an instructor in the Department of Government and Public Service at the University of Arizona, and an affiliate of the Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts (SISMEC).

A version of this article was originally published by Al-Jazeera America

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.

Source: Al Jazeera


Es un análisis de hace como un mes publicado por Al-Jazeera, que había querido poner desde antes. Al menos, eso yo ya lo tenía en cuenta. Es muy bueno, casi obligatorio.

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 6135
Fecha de inscripción : 10/09/2012

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There are groups more depraved than ISIL Empty Re: There are groups more depraved than ISIL

Mensaje por ogmios03 Noviembre 26th 2014, 23:54

Sí pero muy a su manera, obvio nada es real. Pone muy fuera de contexto eso de la "santa" muerte como si de verdad fuera algo ideológico, sólo es una tontería más de esas que se inventan como usar ropa BOSS.

ISIS con sus cosas lleva millones en estado de alerta humanitaria así que no invente este periódico.

Comisario General [Policía Federal]
Comisario General [Policía Federal]

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 1147
Fecha de inscripción : 17/01/2014

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There are groups more depraved than ISIL Empty Re: There are groups more depraved than ISIL

Mensaje por belze Noviembre 27th 2014, 00:42

Pero socialmente hablando, ogmios, esas tonterías se han convertido en aspiraciones de muchos narcos wannabe, y por ende, sinónimo de violencia.

Lo que más nos atañe son los números. Una vez discutiendo con un forista, comentábamos que dejando del lado el trasfondo de los conflictos, analizaras el perfil de los combatientes tanto de ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, etc comparandolos con los de los carteles latinoamericanos.

Imagina a un adolescente:

Les deslumbra el modo de vida de ambos, pues sienten que les confiere poder.

Las diferencia es su motivo. Unos es su ideología, religiosa casi siempre, viven por esta idea. Los otros atraídos por el dinero.

Al final, ambos acabaron abatidos en su primer enfrentamiento con combatientes de ejércitos profesionales.

Provienen de familias desintegradas o disfuncionales

Los grupos con su propaganda, y al cooptarlos, debilitan más el tejido social ya de por sí endeble.

Muchas más similitudes. En ese sentido se parecen los conflictos. Claro que los motivos son completamente contrastantes, pero los resultados, al menos en números, no difieren tanto y eso es lo preocupante.

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 6135
Fecha de inscripción : 10/09/2012

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There are groups more depraved than ISIL Empty Re: There are groups more depraved than ISIL

Mensaje por ogmios03 Noviembre 27th 2014, 01:19

sí pero no hay que confundir aunque tienen en cierta forma las mismas raíces eso podríamos decir de cualquier cosa existente, así se forman las culturas y sociedades no está nada fuera de lo normal. Lo que en algún momento incluso era proscrito en otra época se ve como lo bueno que surgió para salvarnos... etc... hablando de una forma neutral y científica.

De hecho en ISIS no sólo es gente como sin familia o de familioa disfuncinal no, ahí pueden ser familias enteras o pueblos muy apegados quienes caigan, es decir aunque no haya disfuncionalidad. Países enteros reinos enteros han caido en esto, porque es algo que está dentro del extremismo "natural".

Todos pasamos por las mimsas etapas aunque no nos demos cuenta, se llama criptomnesia. Algo que no aceptas y se te hace raro, se te hace no natural, etc y un día de pronto no te diste cuenta y ya lo aceptas. También ideas implantadas que salen de quien sabe donde. Funcionamos así a nivel invividual y social y muchas veces no nos damos cuenta pero de pronto estamos ahí haciendo lo que diríamos que no haríamos etc.

Pero ISIS tiene mayor posibilidad de destrucción pero por mucho.

Comisario General [Policía Federal]
Comisario General [Policía Federal]

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 1147
Fecha de inscripción : 17/01/2014

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There are groups more depraved than ISIL Empty Re: There are groups more depraved than ISIL

Mensaje por ivan_077 Noviembre 28th 2014, 01:08

yo personalmente considero a los narcos aun mas detestables que isis. Los de isis luchan por su vision del mundo, una vision enferma, pedorra, y francamente estupida, pero que creen que es la mejor. un narco sencillamente es comparable a una hemorroide: no sirve para nada, no tiene ningun proposito mas alto y ni te deja cagar a gusto.

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 7771
Fecha de inscripción : 14/11/2010

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There are groups more depraved than ISIL Empty Re: There are groups more depraved than ISIL

Mensaje por Lanceros de Toluca Noviembre 28th 2014, 23:45

Lo de la santa muerte si es cierto, eso si yo lo he visto en el campo. Es igual que los de ISIS en ese sentido. No todos, pero si muchos. Y a una escala mucho mayor de lo que a muchos les resulta comodo admitir.

Chorros de intervenciones y chorros de altarcitos a la santa muerte que enontrabamos. A mi en lo particular me gustaba destruirlos.

Lanceros de Toluca
Alto Mando
Alto Mando

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 19666
Fecha de inscripción : 25/07/2008 Edad : 103

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