Foro Defensa México
Habrá rediseño de presupuesto 2016.-EPN 2vwzcep

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Habrá rediseño de presupuesto 2016.-EPN 2vwzcep
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Habrá rediseño de presupuesto 2016.-EPN

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Habrá rediseño de presupuesto 2016.-EPN Empty Habrá rediseño de presupuesto 2016.-EPN

Mensaje por Lanceros de Toluca Marzo 21st 2015, 16:31

Habrá rediseño de presupuesto 2016.-EPN

El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto anunció que habrá una modernización de la administración pública federal. Foto: Tomada de @PresidenciaMX

Érika Hernández / Enviada
Acapulco, México (20 marzo 2015).- Ante banqueros, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto anunció que el próximo año habrá un rediseño del presupuesto federal, así como una modernización de la administración pública federal.

Durante la 78 Convención Bancaria, el Primer Mandatario aseguró que el presupuesto gubernamental ya no corresponde a las necesidades del México actual.

"En el 2015 optamos por una disminución preventiva del gasto, y para 2016 haremos un rediseño integral del Presupuesto de Egresos, de hecho, el proyecto de presupuesto del próximo año se construirá desde cero, lo que implicará una revisión a fondo, en lugar de una mera modificación inercial como ha ocurrido desde hace más de una década.

"Esta evolución presupuestal necesariamente irá acompañada de una evolución de la administración pública federal", dijo.

Aseguró que si México ha decidido acelerar su transformación, no sólo en crecimiento sino también en democracia, es necesario que la administración pública también cambie.
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Se debe blindar a Pemex de crimen.- EPN

Por ello, agregó, instruyó a todos los integrantes del Gabinete para que realicen un análisis profundo de sus dependencias, con el fin de evitar duplicidades y encontrar áreas de oportunidad.

"También dentro del Gobierno habremos de romper inercias y paradigmas. Vamos a cambiar y ajustar políticas públicas, programas gubernamentales que ya no corresponden a la realidad del País, ni a las nuevas demandas de la sociedad.

"Se trata justamente de construir el Gobierno que merecen los mexicanos, un Gobierno renovado, moderno, más eficiente y capaz de hacer más con menos", señaló.

Agregó que van a enfrentar con más acciones la desafiante coyuntura internacional para seguir impulsando la transformación de México.

Ante cientos de banqueros, el Mandatario desglosó algunos beneficios que ha traído la reforma financiera.

Lanceros de Toluca
Alto Mando
Alto Mando

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 19666
Fecha de inscripción : 25/07/2008 Edad : 104

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Mensaje por szasi Octubre 8th 2015, 10:01

here’s something conspicuously absent from Mexico’s 2016 national budget

Christopher Woody

Sep. 16, 2015, 3:16 PM 3,293

Pena Nieto Mexico speech
REUTERS/Edgard Garrido
Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto addresses the audience during his third state of the union address at the National Palace in Mexico City, September 2, 2015.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto announced his government’s budget for 2016 last week, detailing a series of cuts and other measures aimed to indicate the “government’s commitment to maintain the country’s fiscal and macroeconomic stability,” according to Eurasia Group.

But, to some, the Peña Nieto administration’s cuts to several important security programs signal a more worrying trend.

"If security is a priority of the current administration, it is not visible in this budget proposal,” said Alejandro Hope, the security and justice editor at El Daily Post.

‘Eliminating the inertia’
The government’s 2016 budget, according to Hope, will cut funding and subsidies for local law enforcement by nearly 2.9 billion pesos, or about $172 million.

Most of the cutting affects state-level spending, in particular two funds that bolstered local police forces.

All told, Hope writes, for state-level security spending, “One out of every five pesos received in 2015 won’t be there in 2016.

Mexico police protestREUTERS/Henry Romero
Police officers stand guard as members of the teacher's union CNTE (not pictured) march past the Revolution Monument in Mexico City, June 1, 2015.

The government said this move was for “eliminating the inertia” that has hindered local crime-fighting programs. “Inertia,” according to Hope, may refer to widespread corruption that has plagued government projects.

At the federal level, the National Crime Prevention Program will take a roughly $35.6 million cut. The Interior ministry, which runs that program and almost all federal security programs, will see its investment budget slashed by 77%.

The Federal Attorney General’s office will also sustain a 92% cut in investment funds, down to about $4 million next year from $53.4 million this year.

Cuts in investment spending will mean new projects — like modernization efforts — will be hit first, as opposed to day-to-day operations. However, with the country’s homicide rate ticking up in recent months, any cuts at all are likely to spur popular concern.

Mexico police protests ayotzinapaREUTERS/Henry Romero
Policemen catch fire after being hit by a Molotov cocktail during a protest to mark the eight-month anniversary of the Ayotzinapa students' disappearance in Mexico City, May 26, 2015.

Hope notes the cuts also signal that criminal prosecution is not being prioritized, a worrying development given government missteps in investigating the kidnapping and killing of 43 students in southern Mexico — a case that continues to receive international attention.

The government doling out fewer pesos to local authorities may have a more proximate cause than the slump in global oil prices: corruption.

Mexico’s public-spending watchdog, the federal audit office, found more than 50 irregularities in public security funding, affecting more than $33 million in public money, in just four of Mexico’s 31 states, including Sinaloa — a historical center of the drug trade and home to notorious drug kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán.

Back to economics
Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto salutes as he and first lady Angelica Rivera attend a military parade celebrating Independence Day at the Zocalo square in downtown Mexico City September 16, 2013. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido Thomson Reuters
Mexico's President Pena Nieto and first lady Rivera celebrate Independence Day in Mexico City.

The budget proposal was not without positive steps.

According to Eurasia Group, Peña Nieto’s government also included measures to benefit local private sector firms. Among other things, it will allow the firms to make immediate tax deductions and repatriate capital.

Other steps to counteract the cuts include expanded public-private partnerships and bond offerings to increase private-firm participation in public projects, like education and oil exploration.

Beyond cuts to security programs, however, there are reasons for concern.

The cuts, as Eurasia Group notes, will negatively affect growth, which, coupled with oil prices that won’t budge and lingering market uncertainty, may keep the Mexican economy from meeting deficit and growth targets. (The government bumped 2016 growth estimates down to a 2.6%-3.6% range, down from 3.3%-4.3%).

The decline in oil prices has been especially problematic for Peña Nieto. It has undermined the source of one-third of the government’s income, and while the government doesn’t plan to cut oil production goals, infrastructure shortcomings and corruption challenges at state-run oil company Pemex may undercut the country's ability to maintain current production levels.

(The government's budget also included the lowest amount proposed for oil exploration in nine years, leaving room for foreign companies to expand into the sector.)

Mexico Pemex refinery oilREUTERS/Henry Romero
Excess natural gas is being flared, or burnt off, at a flare stack at the refinery in Tula, November 21, 2013. Mexico's oil industry, saddled for years with bloated costs, chronic underinvestment, and generous government fuel subsidies, received shake-up in October that dismantled the state-run Pemex oil and gas monopoly, ending decades of self-reliance and potentially opening the door to foreign oil companies.

‘Strict austerity measures’
With just 30% approval for his handling of the economy, Peña Nieto’s government has emphasized its efforts to ensure a solid economic footing in the face of recent economic uncertainty.

Luis Videgaray Mexico financeEdgard Garrido/Reuters
Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray speaks during an official ceremony at the National Palace in Mexico City, February 4, 2015.

Budget cuts in 2015 were characterized as a “preventive adjustment.”

The plan for 2016, which contains a spending cuts that equal 1.15% of GDP, or $13.15 billion, is to build “less costly but more efficient” government, in the words of Finance Secretary Luis Videgary.

During comments this week, Videgaray doubled down on this sentiment.

“The main goal of this package, given the international economic circumstances, is to preserve the stability of our economy,” he said on September 8.

Comments issued by Videgaray’s boss the week before the budget proposal may signal a more worrying trend, however.

“This project will include strict austerity measures,” Peña Nieto said on September 2.
Inspector [Policia Federal]
Inspector [Policia Federal]

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 213
Fecha de inscripción : 01/06/2015

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Mensaje por ORAI Octubre 10th 2015, 20:23

Pues esperemos destine mas a defensa y marina
Miembro Honorario
Miembro Honorario

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 1176
Fecha de inscripción : 02/08/2010 Edad : 37

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