Alternativa a la UE: Rusia, Bielorrusia y Kazajistán fundan la Unión Euroasiática
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Alternativa a la UE: Rusia, Bielorrusia y Kazajistán fundan la Unión Euroasiática
Alternativa a la UE: Rusia, Bielorrusia y Kazajistán fundan la Unión Euroasiática
Publicado: 29 may 2014 | 8:17 GMT Última actualización: 29 may 2014 | 11:46 GMT
Rusia, Bielorrusia y Kazajistán han firmado este 29 de mayo el tratado sobre la creación de la Unión Económica Euroasiática. Entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 2015.
El acuerdo prevé el libre flujo de mercancías, servicios, capitales y trabajadores dentro de la unión y una política común en los sectores clave de la economía: energía, industria, agricultura y transporte. Este tratado "es histórico, marca una época", ha insistido el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, tras la firma del documento.
El nuevo mercado común abarca a 170 millones de habitantes y tiene como objetivo convertirse en un nuevo "centro potente y atractivo" de desarrollo económico en el escenario postsoviético, subrayó el mandatario, añadiendo que a la nueva unión le corresponde una quinta parte de todos los recursos mundiales de gas y casi un 15% del petróleo. Funcionará basándose en los principios de la Organización Mundial del Comercio.
"Conservamos plenamente la soberanía estatal, pero garantizamos una cooperación económica más ajustada y armonizada. Nuestra posición geográfica nos permite crear rutas logísticas no solo de importancia regional, sino también de importancia global, concentrando en ella los enormes flujos comerciales entre Europa y Asia", precisó el presidente ruso y comentó que esto es lo que garantizará a la nueva unión un desarrollo dinámico y una creciente capacidad competitiva. Adelantó que la Unión Euroasiática está negociando la creación de una zona del comercio libre con Vietnam y reforzará la cooperación económica con China. Además, podría ofrecer regímenes preferenciales de comercio a Israel y a la India.
"Ha nacido hoy la nueva realidad geoeconómica del siglo XXI. Tenemos por delante una etapa difícil de consolidación y desarrollo. Habrá nuevos desafíos, nuevas tareas. Nuestra gran misión es probar al mundo que esta integración es viable", comentó, por su parte, el presidente de Kazajistán, Nursultán Nazarbáyev. Actualmente, Armenia y Kirguistán también están negociando la posibilidad de integrarse en la nueva unión.
El principal punto fuerte de la firma de este tratado es una reorientación del mercado en una situación en la que EE.UU. impulsa a Europa a sancionar a Rusia rechazando su gas y su petróleo, opina el analista político Sergio Hernández-Ranera Sánchez. "Es decir, ¿que tengo problemas para abastecer de energía a Europa, porque me están poniendo trabas? Ningún problema: reoriento a mis clientes hacia Oriente", comentó el politólogo a RT.
belze- Staff
- Cantidad de envíos : 6135
Fecha de inscripción : 10/09/2012
Re: Alternativa a la UE: Rusia, Bielorrusia y Kazajistán fundan la Unión Euroasiática
jojojojojo. union.
si seguro....
si seguro....
ivan_077- Staff
- Cantidad de envíos : 7771
Fecha de inscripción : 14/11/2010
Re: Alternativa a la UE: Rusia, Bielorrusia y Kazajistán fundan la Unión Euroasiática
Me recuerda a otra Union (la cual por cierto hubiera repudiado este mismo tratado por ser muy "burguesa") jaja
Re: Alternativa a la UE: Rusia, Bielorrusia y Kazajistán fundan la Unión Euroasiática
Kazakhstan's Crafty Eurasian Union Strategy
“The Kazakhs will continue to insist that the EEU stick to a narrow mission of economic integration and nothing more.”
Alex Vatanka
June 20, 2014
At a time of intense U.S.-Russian tensions over the situation in Ukraine, the Central Asian country of Kazakhstan has opted to move closer to Moscow in the field of economic cooperation. On May 29, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia formally signed and established the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), creating a new economic bloc with considerable potential that straddles the Eurasian continent.
At the same time, however, the Kazakhs are determined to demonstrate that this latest development is by no means a signal that Astana is bent on surrendering its independence to its larger neighbor. While officials from Moscow and Minsk have touted the EEU as a first step in a broader integration effort that will eventually involve political and military assimilation, Astana insists that the sole objective behind EEU is the advancement of Eurasian economic development and that no grand political goals are intended to be behind the EEU.
The View from Moscow and Minsk
President Vladimir Putin was ecstatic at the signing of the EEU. “Today,” he said at the signing ceremony, “we are creating a powerful, attractive center of economic development, a big regional market that unites more than 170 million people.” Putin specifically pointed to the bloc’s potential as an energy-exporting superpower, an engine that will charge the EEU forward, and pointed to the “cultural heritage” of the three members states that will keep them together. According to President Putin, the EEU has the potential to become a global transportation hub linking the trade flows between Asia and Europe, making the bloc into an inevitable linchpin for global commerce.
Elsewhere, Sergei Shatirov, the deputy chairman of Russia’s Federation Council, said that the EEU enables Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia to “reach a higher integration level.” He also suggested that a “common market of hydrocarbon resources and a common gas delivery system will be created within the EEU.” Under the EEU treaty, the three member states will coordinate policies in key economic sectors, including energy, industry, agriculture and transport. According to Russian officials, a single hydrocarbon market can be in place as early as 2015, and a single, natural-gas transport market can be up and running by 2015.
Meanwhile, the earliest Russian enthusiasm following the signing of the EEU has left no doubt that many in Moscow view the creation of the bloc as a political victory for Moscow. The head of the international affairs committee at the Federation Council, Mikhail Margelov, made it abundantly clear that Moscow sees the EEU as a “new stage of integration in post-Soviet space...This union is attractive not just economically but politically as well,” he told Interfax. And Margelov made it clear that it was a political victory against the West. He also asserted that while Western hegemons are not likely to welcome the establishment of the EEU, the union’s membership is likely to grow—and not just within post-Soviet states. Shatirov confidently stated that there are no geographic restrictions for joining the EEU. And Armenia and Kyrgyzstan have already indicated a desire to join the EEU.
Prior to the recent crisis, Ukraine was also an intended member of the EEU, but that prospect has now vanished as Ukraine looks to the West. This was a point that the Belarusian leader highlighted. President Alexander Lukashenko said that “We [the EEU] lost someone along the way,” in a reference to Ukraine. Lukashenko, who secured a US$2 billion loan from Moscow just before signing the EEU treaty, made it clear that from his point of view, the intended integration process needs to be far more ambitious, and “he also called for economic union to be followed by political and military unity.” However, such calls for deeper integration by Russian and Belarusian officials have been firmly rejected by Kazakh officials.
Kazakhstan’s View on the EEU
The Kazakhs are extremely sensitive to the future path of the EEU, and are openly calling for prudence and a sense of proportionality as their counterparts from Russia and Belarus speak about the EEU and what the new bloc should be about.
While the EEU is the brainchild of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who introduced the idea some twenty years ago, Kazakhstan is today a far-more-poised country sure of its future than it was in the immediate years following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Back in the early 1990s, President Nazarbayev argued that an alternative mechanism should fill the vacuum left behind by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Today, however, the Kazakhs are looking at Russia as a large neighbor that is—given geography alone—an inevitable, major trading partner, but not one that should consider Kazakhstan as its satellite state. Bakytzhan Sagintayev, the first deputy prime minister of Kazakhstan and its lead negotiator, could not have been clearer about this point: “We are not creating a political organization; we are forming a purely economic union,” he said. “[The EEU] is a pragmatic means to get benefits. We don’t meddle into what Russia is doing politically, and they cannot tell us what foreign policy to pursue.” All Russian attempts to deepen the EEU (to include such implementations as a common passport and currency, a collective parliament and a common border force) were rejected by Astana.
President Nazarbayev has also warned about measures that can fatally undermine the EEU if political showmanship is prioritized over genuine economic collaboration. He pointed to the premature inclusion of additional member states before the EEU has even proven itself. President Nazarbayev pointed to the prospect of Armenia joining the EEU and cautioned against it. The Kazakh president argued that only the internationally recognized borders of Armenia could ever seek admission to the EEU. Kazakhstan does not want to see itself entangled in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and be forced into indirectly acceding to Armenia’s occupation of about 20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territory. In other words, President Nazarbayev’s message was clear: Astana has no desire to see the EEU take the shape of an anti-Western bloc or one that becomes a politicized mechanism to implement Moscow’s regional political ambitions. Samat Ordabayev, the Kazakh deputy foreign minister made that point very clear before the EEU treaty was even signed. On 26 May, Ordabayev said that Kazakstan, Russia, and Belarus avoided the politicization of the EEU when drawing up the document. It is clear that this was done at Astana’s behest, and it appears that the Kazakhs will continue to insist that the EEU stick to a narrow mission of economic integration and nothing more.
Alex Vatanka is a fellow at the Middle East Institute. He has frequently appeared on media outlets such as the BBC World Service, CNN, MSNBC, Sky News, C-SPAN, Al Jazeera, Voice of America, and CBC.
ivan_077- Staff
- Cantidad de envíos : 7771
Fecha de inscripción : 14/11/2010
Re: Alternativa a la UE: Rusia, Bielorrusia y Kazajistán fundan la Unión Euroasiática
Rusia, Kazajistán y Bielorrusia ultiman la creación de la Unión Euroasiática
Por Redacción / Sinembargo - diciembre 23 de 2014 - 4:50
MUNDO, TIEMPO REAL - 1 comentario
Moscú, 23 dic (EFE)- Los líderes de Rusia y sus principales aliados, Kazajistán y Bielorrusia, se reúnen hoy en Moscú para ultimar la creación de la Unión Económica Eurasiática (UEE), a la que se unirán también otras dos antiguas repúblicas soviéticas, Armenia y Kirguizistán.
La cumbre de los presidentes ruso, Vladímir Putin, kazajo, Nursultán Nazarbáyev, y bielorruso, Alexandr Lukashenko, supone el broche final del proceso que permitirá que el próximo 1 de enero comience su andadura la UEE, un mercado común de más de 170 millones de consumidores.
A la reunión de Moscú han sido invitados los presidentes armenio, Serge Sargsián, y kirguís, Almazbek Atambáyev, cuyos países se integrarán en la Unión Eurasiática.
Armenia, que ya firmó el tratado de adhesión y cumplimentó su ratificación, será miembro pleno de la UEE el próximo 2 de enero, al día siguiente de que la comunidad económica postsoviética comience a funcionar.
En la cumbre de hoy Kirguizistán firmará el tratado de adhesión a la Unión Eurasiática.
Según el Kremlin, las autoridades de esa república centroasiática han realizado gran parte del trabajo preparatorio necesario para sumarse a la UEE.
“La puesta en marcha de la Unión Económica Eurasiática permitirá a sus países miembros alcanzar un mayor nivel de integración (…) y resolver con mayor eficacia los problemas relativos a la modernización de sus economías y el aumento de su competitividad”, se afirma en una nota de prensa de la Presidencia de Rusia. EFE
ivan_077- Staff
- Cantidad de envíos : 7771
Fecha de inscripción : 14/11/2010
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